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Wind and Solar Power Forecasting

  • Support for customers with power generation and commercial plans
  • Support for power grid operation management unit, capacity line
  • Application in the implementation of the plan to build a new factory.
  • Comply with EVN’s regulations on operating equipment.

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Power forecasting system

  • Vendor: Meteodyn
  • Origin: France
  • Products: Wind Forecast, Solar Forecast.
The role of renewable energy production forecasting
  •  Accuracy in electrical energy output forecasting is particular importance for optimal power  operation system
Buy and sell electricity on the spot market BENEFITS FOR THE MANUFACTURE Choosing the location to build the factory
System is stability BENEFITS FOR SYSTEM OPERATION System planning

  • Methods and applications in electricity production forecasting
Frame time Method Application
of electricity production
Before 5-60minutes Monitor short-term power variation trends. Real-time control and regulation
1-4 hours before Combined numerical weather forecasting model Schedule,manage system overload
Several days NWP
( Numerical Weather Prediction )
Scheduling, requesting backup power,buying and selling electricity, managing system overload.
Weekly,seasonal,1 year or more in advance Meteorological, climate forecast, NWP Investment planning (source, grid),contingency analysis,
maintenance planning,operation management


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TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Mr.Linh - 0981.119.120 Mr.Chuyen - 0978.299.298
BusinessMr.Thái - 0984.908.889 Mr.Chuyen - 0978.299.298